Thursday 17 October 2013

Billionth bottle for Aussie wine exporter

beset - bɪ'set
(of a problem or difficulty) trouble or threaten persistently

Example: Mr Casella says Yellowtail has managed to avoid some of the troubles that have beset other Australian wine producers. He points to a lack of vision in the industry as one of its biggest problems.


Translate to english: "осаждать вопросами"
Answer: to beset with questions

Example: Mr Casella says Yellowtail has managed to avoid some of the troubles that have beset other Australian wine producers. He points to a lack of vision in the industry as one of its biggest problems.


Translate to english: быть распространённым; быть в большом количестве (фраз. глагол.)

Answer: be about something
Explanation: be about be involved or to do with; have the intention of

Example: "It should really be about innovation, creation of wine styles and exploiting the assets or the wine capabilities you have.


Translate to english: Что ты затеял?
Answer: What are you about?

Source: Lingvo

Translate to english: "Победа количества над качеством"

Answer: It is a victory for quantity over quality.

Example: Mr Casella rejects the idea that Yellow Tail's billionth bottle is a victory for quantity over quality.


Translate to english: "Все это полный нонсенс"

Answer: All of that is total nonsense.


Tuesday 23 August 2011

The rise of binge drinking in China

binge - bɪnʤ
выпивка, кутёж, пирушка, празднество, попойка
a short period of time when sb does too much of a particular activity, especially eating or drinking alcohol

Example: The rise of binge drinking in China


spilling out of pubs
to tell sb all about a problem etc. very quickly; to come out quickly

Has she been spilling out her troubles to you again?
.... binge drinking is associated with young men and women spilling out of pubs and clubs in the early hours of the mornings.


forthright - 'fɔːθraɪt
(of a person or their manner or speech) direct and outspoken; straightforward and honest

Example: People want to show they are forthright and try to get along with others


greases the wheels of business in the west
grease - griːs
any thick oily substance, especially one that is used to make machines run smoothly
смазывать (жиром) ; замасливать, засаливать

vomit - 'vɔmɪt

Foreigners are not immune to the pressure – one friend recalls being poured half pints of baijiu by an overly hospitable local official, who paused briefly to vomit before topping up his glass again.


consumption has soared
soar - [sɔː]
подъём вверх

top up
докладывать; досыпать (доверху) ; доливать

Can I top you up? — Можно, я вам долью?
Do let me top you up — Дай мне, пожалуйста, еще тебе налить
who paused briefly to vomit before topping up his glass again.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Birmingham riots: intense anger after deaths of three young men

Q. массовые беспорядки в Бермингеме
A. Birmingham riots

Example: Birmingham riots: intense anger after deaths of three young men


Q. move or push (something) suddenly or violently?
A. fling - fling

Example: Another group of British Asian men said they had seen the fatal incident, which was over in seconds but saw the victims flung into the air as a black Audi rammed into them.


Q. присутствующий на похоронах
A. mourner - 'mɔːnə

Example: Another mourner embraced Sobia and the victims' younger sister who was welcoming mourners into the house, and said in Urdu: "They died martyrs."


Sunday 27 March 2011

How the iPad revolution has transformed working lives

feed into sth
to have an influence on the development of sth
Example: "five users tell us about how the iPad is feeding into the way they work"

Пять пользователей рассказали нам как Ipad влияет на их работу.
feed into sth
Example: "five users tell us about how the iPad is feeding into the way they work"

острое зрение
keen eyesight
keen - kiːn

Мои глаза стали лучше видеть.
my eye gets keener
keen - kiːn

hype - haɪp
активная, назойливая реклама, пускание пыли в глаза; очковтирательство
advertisements and discussion on television, radio, etc. telling the public about a product and about how good or important it is
Example: But is it really changing the way we work? We interviewed a range of people in different professions to see whether the iPad is all hype – or whether in future we will all keep taking the tablets.

hack off
If you hack something off, you cut it off with strong, rough strokes using a sharp tool such as an axe or knife.
Example: The iPhone's battery life is too short – it hacks me off.


Tuesday 22 March 2011

'Palestinian' kills five Israelis in West Bank

manhunt - 'mænhʌnt
облава, преследование
an organized search for a criminal, suspect, or escaped prisoner
Example: Israeli troops have launched a manhunt after five members of a Jewish settler family were killed in the West Bank.

проводить облаву
conduct a manhunt
launched a manhunt
Example: Israeli troops have launched a manhunt after five members of a Jewish settler family were killed in the West Bank.

have ground to a halt
If a country's economy or something such as a process grinds to a halt, it gradually becomes slower or less active until it stops.
Example: The incident comes as peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians have ground to a halt.

halt - hɔːlt
остановка; прекращение

требовать остановки
to call a halt
halt - hɔːlt

Заколотый насмерть
stabbed to death

vigorously - 'vɪg(ə)rəslɪ
решительно, сильно, энергично
Example: A statement on behalf of Mr Netanyahu said: "Israel will act vigorously to defend the Israeli population and to punish the murderers.

активно защищать кого-л.
to defend smb. vigorously
vigorously - 'vɪg(ə)rəslɪ


Monday 14 March 2011

Dozens of countries respond to Japan’s call for help

squad - skwɔd
a small group of people having a particular task
группа; команда; отделение; орудийный расчёт
Example: American, German, Swiss, Hungarian and Taiwanese squads.

погибший в землятресении
perished in the quake

Example: Although it is feared thousands may have perished in the quake and the ensuing tsunami the rescue teams are still hopeful of finding people alive beneath the rubble and debris.

perished - 'perɪʃt
погибший, умерший (обычно от холода, от лишений)
Example: Although it is feared thousands may have perished in the quake and the ensuing tsunami the rescue teams are still hopeful of finding people alive beneath the rubble and debris.

ensuing - ɪn'sjuːɪŋ
наступающий, надвигающийся
Example: the ensuing tsunam

следующее цунами
the ensuing tsunam

Example: Although it is feared thousands may have perished in the quake and the ensuing tsunami the rescue teams are still hopeful of finding people alive beneath the rubble and debris.

последствия (событий)
aftermath - 'ɑːftəmɑːθ
Example: While they are all specially trained in dealing with the aftermath of disasters, many of the personnel are volunteers.

Последствия катастрофы
aftermath of disasters
Example: While they are all specially trained in dealing with the aftermath of disasters, many of the personnel are volunteers.


Wednesday 2 March 2011

Pumping Oil with Sunshine

oil field
seabed underlain by strata yielding petroleum, esp. in amounts that justify commercial exploitation
нефтяное месторождение

heat up
When you heat something up, especially food which has already been cooked and allowed to go cold, you make it hot.
Example: The goal is to provide a cleaner and cheaper way to heat up the steam used to melt the field's thicker oils and scour out more of the black gold.

screwed up
If you say that someone is screwed up, you mean that they are very confused or worried, or that they have psychological problems.

Он все испортил - use phrasal verbs with word screw
He got the whole thing screwed up

В этот приезд у меня все идет не так, как надо - use phrasal verbs with word screw
I'm totally screwed up on this trip