Wednesday 9 June 2010

Pronunciation spelling and numbers

Source: Objective IELTS Intermediate Student's Book

p.11 Ex. 8

New words:
1) treble tree (consisting of three parts)
2) centigrade

Very often mix up 2 and 4

and mix up fifteen hundred pounds with fourteen hundred pounds

p.11 Ex. 9

1) Two mistake 16 and 60
2 ) and T insted I in model of printer

In nutshell:
First of all I should more precise listen differ between *teen and *ty numbers. Moreover face up all task with a lot of attention.

Countries and capitals of North America

North America

Greenland - ['griːnlənd]

Canada - 'kænədə
Derivatives: Canadian - kəˈneɪdiən
Capital: Ottawa - ˈɒtəwə
Toronto - təˈrɒntəʊ
Vancouver - vænˈkuːvə(r)
Quebec - kwɪˈbek

Iceland - 'aɪslənd
Derivatives: Icelander - ˈaɪsləndə(r)
Capital: Reykjavik - 'reɪkjəvɪ

United States
Kansas - 'kænzəs
Iowa - 'ʌɪəwə
Wyoming - wʌɪ'əʊmɪŋ
Tennessee - ˌtɛnə'siː
Maine - meɪn
Philadelphia - ˌfɪlə'delfɪə

Mexico - ˈmeksɪkəʊ
Derivatives: Mexican - ˈmeksɪkən
Capital: Mexico City

Countries and capitals of Australia and Oceania

Australia and Oceania

Venezuela - ˌvenəˈzweɪlə
Derivatives: Venezuelan - ˌvenəˈzweɪlən
Capital: Caracas - [kə'rækəs]

Australia - ô'strālyə
Derivatives: Australian
Brisbane - ˈbrɪzbən
Sydney - ˈsɪdni
Perth - pɜːθ
Melbourne - ˈmelbən
Adelaide - ˈædəleɪd
Capital: Canberra - ˈkænbərə

New Zealand
Capital: Wellington - ˈwelɪŋtən

Indonesia - ˌɪndəˈniːʒə
Capital: Jakarta - dʒə'kɑːtə]

Philippines - ˈfɪlɪpiːnz
Capital: Manila - məˈnɪlə

Illegal immigrant survives flight after hiding in landing gear


Useful phrases:
apprehended by local police
survival in such conditions is

New words:

stowaway - stəʊəweɪ - a person who hides in a ship or plane before it leaves, in order to travel without paying or being seen
Example: Stowaway found on Sheik's jet

landing gear - 'lændɪŋˌgɪə - the undercarriage of an aircraft, including the wheels or pontoons on which it rests while not in the air
Example: hiding in landing gear

stow - stəʊ - to put sth in a safe place
Example: She found a seat, stowed her backpack and sat down.

apprehend - ˌæprɪˈhend - (of the police) to catch sb and arrest them
Example: apprehended by local police

Countries and capitals of Latin America

Latin America

Venezuela - ˌvenəˈzweɪlə
Derivatives: Venezuelan - ˌvenəˈzweɪlən
Capital: Caracas - [kə'rækəs]

Colombia - kəˈlɒmbiə
Derivatives: Colombian - kəˈlɒmbiən
Capital: Bogotá - [ˌbɔgə'tɑː]

Ecuador - ˈekwədɔː(r)
Derivatives: Ecuadorian - ˌekwəˈdɔːriən
Capital: Quito ['kiːtəu]

Peru - pəˈru
Derivatives: Peruvian - pəˈruːviən
Capital: Lima ['liːmə]

Paraguay - ˈpærəɡwaɪ
Derivatives: Paraguayan - ˌpærəˈɡwaɪən

Argentina - ˌɑːdʒənˈtiːnə
Derivatives: (Argentine - ˈɑːdʒəntaɪn) & (Argentinian - ˌɑːdʒənˈtɪniən)
Capital: Buenos Aires [ˌbwānəs 'e(ə)rēz; 'īriz]

Panama - ˈpænəmɑː
Derivatives: Panamanian - ˌpænəˈmeɪniən

Costa Rica - ˌkɒstə ˈriːkə
Derivatives: Costa Rican - ˌkɒstə ˈriːkən
Capital: San José [ˌsan (h)ō'zā ˌsän hô'sā]

Nicaragua - ˌnɪkəˈræɡjuə
Derivatives: Nicaraguan - ˌnɪkəˈræɡjuən

Honduras - hɒnˈdjʊərəs
Derivatives: Honduran - hɒnˈdjʊərən

Guatemala - ˌɡwɑːtəˈmɑːlə
Derivatives: Guatemalan - ˌɡwɑːtəˈmɑːlən
Capital: Guatemala City [ˌgwætə'mɑːləˌsɪtɪ]
