Friday 11 February 2011

Cairo tense after Mubarak speech

so far
до сих пор; пока; до настоящего времени
to a certain limited extent
Example: The BBC's Jon Leyne in Cairo says this is the most dangerous moment so far in more than two weeks of protests.

Я до сих пор не видел своего нового соседа.
I haven't met my new neighbour so far.

convene - kən'viːn
созывать, собирать (заседание, встречу)
Example: After the speech, US President Barack Obama convened a meeting with his national security team at the White House.

come or bring together for a meeting or activity
convene - kən'viːn
He had convened a secret meeting

deception - dɪ'sepʃ(ə)n
обман, жульничество; ложь; измышления, неправда, хитрость
the action of deceiving someone
Example: Egyptian opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei called Mr Mubarak's speech an "act of deception".

преднамеренный обман
deliberate deception