Tuesday 17 August 2010

New words for remembering

egg fried on one side only
sunny side up

желток (яйца)
yolk - jəuk

Eggs cooked on both sides until the yolk has solidified.
Over well', also called 'over hard' or 'hard

Eggs cooked on both sides; the yolk is a thin liquid
Over easy', also called 'over light or runny

омлет, яичница-болтунья
scrambled eggs

Cage nut

server rack rail

to clip onto the open mounting hole

fastening angle
крепящий уголок

fastening bolt
крепёжный болт

fastening nut
крепёжная гайка

пружинное скрепление
spring fastening

possessive - pə'zesɪv
а) собственнический
б) притяжательный

Example: possessive case — притяжательный падеж
possessive pronoun — притяжательное местоимение

the thick main stem of a tree, that the branches grow from
trunk - trʌŋk

карие глаза
hazel eyes
Example: My eyes are blue and yours are hazel — У меня глаза голубые, а у тебя - карие.