Thursday 19 August 2010

Revision Exercises I

Possesive Ex. 50 - 2 mistake
Personal pronouns Ex. 46 wrote they insted them - 5 mistake

US National Guard troops deployed at Mexico border


New words:

beef up - усиливать, укреплять, подкреплять (ресурсами) ; расширять; наращивать
Example: They are the first of more than 1,000 troops President Barack Obama has authorised to beef up border security.

along - вдоль, по
Example: US National Guard troops have been deployed along the country's southern border between the state of California and Mexico.

drug smuggler [smʌ̱gələ(r)] - контрабандист наркотиков
Example: The deployment of National Guard troops is part of Mr Obama's response to loud calls to do more to secure America's borders against drug smugglers, human traffickers and illegal immigrants.

dig - dig
dig (for sth) to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine :
Example: I've been digging the garden.