Monday 26 July 2010

Rules - Time Preposition At, In, On

--- no preposition ---

не используется предлога перед обстоятельствами времени, начинающимися словами
• every (каждый)
every day
every month
every time (каждый раз)
every other (раз в два, каждые два + период времени)
every other month (раз в два месяца)
every other day (через день, раз в два дня, каждые два дня)
this (этот OR сегодняшний)
this week
this year
this time - на этот раз
this evening
this weekend
+ has-have V3-ed
+ is-are Ving
this year VS last year VS in the last year
this (calendar/fiscal) year = in 2010
last year = in 2009
in=over the last=past 12 months / in=over the last=past year
за последние 12 месяцев = since July 2009
in/over/for the past N months
last (прошлый, вчерашний*)
last year
last night* (только в этом словосочетании)
last September
didn't V
was/were V3/ed

I have been studying hard in=over the last year. (= since July 2009 till now=July 2010)
I studied hard last year. (in 2009 = from January 2009 to December 2009)
next (следующий, будущий)
next month
next time *
next autumn
next week
(Probably, perhaps, maybe, I think, I believe, I hope, I suspect) I* will meet Bob next week. AN

перед словами
the day before yesterday (позавчера)
yesterday (вчера, вчерашний + morning, afternoon, evening)

today (сегодня)
tonight (сегодня вечером)

tomorrow (завтра, завтрашний + morning, afternoon, evening)
the day after tomorrow

"козырной" предлог, выигрывает в 90% случаев при конфликте "правил"
DAY or DATE (словосочетания, содержащие корень или слово DAY, или дату)
on Christmas Day
on holiday
on Monday
on Tuesday evening
on the 1st of April
on the weekend of 1 and 2nd April
on the morning /afternoon / evening/night of 2nd April

parts of the day

at (o) am = at (o) in the morning
at (o) pm = at (o) in the afternoon
at (o) pm = at (o) in the evening

in broad daylight (среди бела дня)
in the dark (в темноте)

BUT at dusk - в сумерках
vampires sleep by day and walk by night

BUT at night = late in the evening VS in the (middle of) night
at night = поздно вечером

in the night = (по)среди ночи
ON + day > IN + part of the day
ON Monday
IN the morning
on Monday morning
ON 26 August
IN the afternoon
on the afternoon of 26 August

I was born in January.
I was born on (the) 29th (of) January.
I was born on January (the) 29th.
I was born in the morning.
I was born ON the morning OF (the) 29th (of) January.
I was born ON the morning OF January (the) 29th.

periods of time that are longer than a week (months, seasons, years, decades, historical periods, centuries, eras, ages)
in February
in (the) spring
in 1990 (в 1990 году)
in the 1990s (в 1990-х годах)
in the Middle Ages (в Средние Века)
in the XIXth century
in the Stone Age (в Каменном Веке)
in 1050 BC = Before Christ - до н. эры
in 1050 AD = Anno Domini - н.эры

before/during=in/after the morning rush hour
before/during=in/after the evening rush hour

clock time (точное время, момент, мгновение)

at 2 o'clock
at noon = at midday (в полдень)
at midnight (в полночь)
at the moment
at (the crack of) dawn = at sunrise (на заре, на рассвете)
at dusk (в сумерках, в то время, когда уже начало смеркаться)=at sunset (на закате)
at the beginning of ... (в начале чего-л в момент начала чего-л)
at the end of ... (в конце чего-л, в момент окончания чего-л)

public event (общественное мероприятие)
at=at the time of (на, во время)
at a* concert
at a* party
at a* conference

может быть другой артикль или добавится прилагательное, e.g. at the conference, at a birthday party

at a lesson / in a lesson
at a meeting / in a meeting
at = at the time of
in = during

at breakfast (за завтраком)
at lunch (за обедом)
at dinner (во время ужина)

at=at the time of (на, во время)
в некоторых словосочетаниях, часто содержащих "time", преимущественно в значении "во время чего-л"
at times (=sometimes, from time to time) - временами
at that time
at the same time
at present (в настоящее время)
at the age of 20 (в возрасте 20 лет)=at 20

2-6-day periods of time, mostly free time, festivals
at Christmas
at Easter
at New Year

on New Year's Eve = on the 31st of December
on New Year's Day = on the 1st of January

every weekend
at weekends BrE, also infml on a weekend BrE (= AmE on weekends)

at the weekend
this weekend
at the weekend BrE (usu), over the weekend(= AmE on the weekend)

in time = in advance - заранее
on time = according to the schedule - по расписанию
at times = sometimes - временами

At the beginning (*) of N (*), ...
At the end (*) of N (*), ...

In the beginning, ... = Initially, ...
In the end, ... = Eventually, ...

witten and (spoken)
ON (THE) 4th (OF) July
Jack was born on 5 May.
(on the fifth of May)
Jack was born on May 5.
(on May the(**) fifth)
** - may be omitted in AmE