Thursday 28 October 2010

Pentagon Sees a Threat From Online Muckrakers

разгребатели грязи (публицистическое течение 20 в. в США)
Example: Pentagon Sees a Threat From Online Muckrakers

rankle - 'ræŋkl
терзаться, мучиться
Example: WikiLeaks, a nonprofit organization, has rankled governments and companies around the world with its publication of materials intended to be kept secret.

sue - suː
преследовать в судебном порядке; подавать в суд, возбуждать иск, предъявлять иск
Example: For instance, the Army’s report says that in 2008, access to the Web site in the United States was cut off by court order after Bank Julius Baer, a Swiss financial institution, sued it for publishing documents implicating Baer in money laundering, grand larceny and tax evasion.

cut off
отключать, прекращать подачу
Example: For instance, the Army’s report says that in 2008, access to the Web site in the United States was cut off by court order after Bank Julius Baer, a Swiss financial institution, sued it for publishing documents implicating Baer in money laundering, grand larceny and tax evasion.
