Friday 17 December 2010

Lesson - 16.12.2010

retouch - riː'tʌʧ

4 toes VS 4 photos)
photo - ˈfəʊtəʊ
photoshop - ˈfəʊtəʊʃɒp

adobe - ə'dəubɪ

Useful phrases:

I work as a network engineer FOR a big company.
I wish my work was MUCH=A LOT easier.
What are you working ON?
What (line of) business are you IN?


modifier // comparative
то есть не просто сказать больше-меньше, а НАСКОЛЬКО больше-меньше
(a little =a bit=a little bit=somewhat - НEМНОГО/чуточку)
(much=a lot=way=lots=a great deal - НАМНОГО)

______ MORE expensive
MUCH MORE expensive

'Israeli spying devices' found in Lebanon

dismantle - dɪs'mæntl
демонтировать (оборудование)
to take apart a machine or structure so that it is in separate pieces
Example: The Lebanese army has said it has dismantled two Israeli spy systems planted in the mountains above Beirut.

Hebrew - 'hiːbruː
еврей, иудей; израильтянин
Example: One of the devices bore writing in Hebrew.

bore - bɔː
высверленное отверстие
Example: One of the devices bore writing in Hebrew.
