Wednesday 23 February 2011

Russia’s Black Swan

tutu - 'tuːtuː
пачка (балерины)
Example: “kiss my tutu.”

allegedly - ə'leʤɪdlɪ
будто бы, якобы; по утверждению, как утверждают (обычно голословно)
to state sth as a fact but without giving proof
Example: She is also a notorious Moscow socialite—appearing frequently in the Russian tabloids for things like allegedly stealing a friend’s lover and starring in a Snickers commercial.

enlisted - ɪn'lɪstɪd
having a rank that is below that of an officer
Example: Earlier this month, Volochkova cut her ties with the country’s ruling party, United Russia, which had enlisted her as a celebrity spokesperson.

bedazzle - bɪ'dæzl
ослеплять блеском
to impress sb very much with intelligence, beauty, etc.
Example: Her bedazzled gold phone kept interrupting her with the chorus from Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal.”

lollygag - 'lälēˌgag
spend time aimlessly; idle
Example: They showed her lollygagging on a beach in the Maldives.

arrow - 'ærəu
a thin stick with a sharp point at one end, which is shot from a bow
Example: With what looks like an arrow of strategically placed pebbles running down to her nether regions.

wrath - rɔθ
гнев, ярость; глубокое возмущение
extreme anger
Example: The fact that Drapeko was from a different party didn’t tame Volochkova’s wrath.