Friday 25 February 2011

Why Are Americans So Ill-Informed about Climate Change?

baffled - 'bæf(ə)ld
озадаченный; сбитый с толку
Exaample: As glaciers melt and island populations retreat from their coastlines to escape rising seas, many scientists remain baffled as to why the global research consensus on human-induced climate change remains contentious in the U.S.

baffled question — недоуменный вопрос

scattered - 'skætəd
разбросанный (в беспорядке); раскиданный
отдельный, разрозненный; редкий, случайный
Example: Scattered applause followed in the audience of mostly scientists, with one heckler saying.

scattered instances — отдельные случаи

bewilderment - 'bɪ'wɪldəmənt
смущение; замешательство; недоумение
неясность, путаница, неразбериха; беспорядок
Example: Such a tone of searching bewilderment typified a handful of sessions that dealt with the struggle to motivate Americans on the topic of climate change.

intransigence - ɪn'træn(t)sɪʤ(ə)n(t)s
непримиримость, бескомпромиссность
If you talk about someone's intransigence, you mean that they refuse to behave differently or to change their attitude to something.
Example: Still, it is hard to explain the intransigence of the U.S. public and policy-makers on the issue.


Thursday 24 February 2011

Assange to face sex charges after losing extradition fight

dock - dɔk
скамья подсудимых
Example: Mr Assange, 39, sat in the dock showing no emotion as Judge Howard Riddle granted the extradition request.

oppressive - ə'presɪv
тиранический, деспотический, жестокий, подавляющий
Example: I have specifically considered whether the physical or mental condition of the defendant is such that it would be unjust or oppressive to extradite him, Judge Riddle said.

fair trial
справедливое рассмотрение дела в суде
Example: Judge Riddle said the warrant was valid and there was no reason to expect that Mr Assange would not face a fair trial.

sexual molestation
заигрывание; приставание
Example: The judge said he was satisfied that the four alleged offences, of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion, were extradition offences.


Wednesday 23 February 2011

Russia’s Black Swan

tutu - 'tuːtuː
пачка (балерины)
Example: “kiss my tutu.”

allegedly - ə'leʤɪdlɪ
будто бы, якобы; по утверждению, как утверждают (обычно голословно)
to state sth as a fact but without giving proof
Example: She is also a notorious Moscow socialite—appearing frequently in the Russian tabloids for things like allegedly stealing a friend’s lover and starring in a Snickers commercial.

enlisted - ɪn'lɪstɪd
having a rank that is below that of an officer
Example: Earlier this month, Volochkova cut her ties with the country’s ruling party, United Russia, which had enlisted her as a celebrity spokesperson.

bedazzle - bɪ'dæzl
ослеплять блеском
to impress sb very much with intelligence, beauty, etc.
Example: Her bedazzled gold phone kept interrupting her with the chorus from Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal.”

lollygag - 'lälēˌgag
spend time aimlessly; idle
Example: They showed her lollygagging on a beach in the Maldives.

arrow - 'ærəu
a thin stick with a sharp point at one end, which is shot from a bow
Example: With what looks like an arrow of strategically placed pebbles running down to her nether regions.

wrath - rɔθ
гнев, ярость; глубокое возмущение
extreme anger
Example: The fact that Drapeko was from a different party didn’t tame Volochkova’s wrath.

Friday 11 February 2011

Cairo tense after Mubarak speech

so far
до сих пор; пока; до настоящего времени
to a certain limited extent
Example: The BBC's Jon Leyne in Cairo says this is the most dangerous moment so far in more than two weeks of protests.

Я до сих пор не видел своего нового соседа.
I haven't met my new neighbour so far.

convene - kən'viːn
созывать, собирать (заседание, встречу)
Example: After the speech, US President Barack Obama convened a meeting with his national security team at the White House.

come or bring together for a meeting or activity
convene - kən'viːn
He had convened a secret meeting

deception - dɪ'sepʃ(ə)n
обман, жульничество; ложь; измышления, неправда, хитрость
the action of deceiving someone
Example: Egyptian opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei called Mr Mubarak's speech an "act of deception".

преднамеренный обман
deliberate deception

Thursday 10 February 2011

Lessons - 10.02.2010

Q. У меня не было возможности сделать это
A. I wasn't able to afford to V
It wasn't possible for me to V

Q. В последнее год колечество велосипедистов уменьшилось
A. IN RECENT YEARS/weeks/months,
the number of cyclists/bicycles on the roads
has gone down/has decreased /has declined

Q. Если я говорю last year какой срок это означает?
A. from Jan 1 to DEC 31, 2010

Q. Если я говорю IN THE last year какой срок это означает?
A. since FEB 10, 2011

Q. залог
A. collateral - kə'læt(ə)r(ə)l

Q. Pronunciation "register"
A. 'reʤɪstə

Q. Pronunciation "japan"
A. ʤə'pæn

Q. Стоимость содержания машины
A. car maintenance costs

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Queensland evacuations urged ahead of Cyclone Yasi

landfall - ˈlændfɔːl
Landfall is the act of arriving somewhere after a journey at sea, or the land that you arrive at.
Example: Cyclone Yasi, a category five storm - the highest alert level - will make landfall on Wednesday night local time.

bother - 'bɔðə
беспокойство, хлопоты; источник беспокойства
take the trouble to do something
Example: "Do not bother to pack bags. Just grab each other and get to a place of safety. Remember that people are irreplaceable," Ms Bligh said.

Не беспокойтесь об этих письмах, они не срочные.
Don't bother about the letters, they're not urgent.

filling - 'fɪlɪŋ
Example: Filling sandbags

ferocity - fə'rɔsətɪ
дикость; жестокость, свирепость (свойство и проявление этого свойства)
violence; aggressive behaviour
Example: Residents across the state were frantically buying in supplies to last through a minimum of 24 hours of what they have been told will be a storm of unprecedented ferocity.

tape up
If you tape something up, you fasten tape around it firmly, in order to protect it or hold it in a fixed position.
Example: Those staying at home were taping up windows, filling sandbags and trying to stay calm.

to spur more people - spɜː
подгонять, побуждать; подстрекать (к чему-л.) ; стимулировать
spur sb/sth (on) (to sth / to do sth) to encourage sb to do sth or to encourage them to try harder to achieve sth
Example: Soldiers were knocking on doors in Queensland's northern capital of Townsville to spur more people to get ready.
