Sunday 30 May 2010

Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate

Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use Upp Advanced

Unit 75:

Vocabulary phrase for remembering

ˌthis and ˈthat - various things or activities
Example: `And what are you doing now?' - `Oh this and that.'..

that's it - that is the main point or difficulty
Example: okay, that's it, you've cried long enough

this is it - this is the main point
Example: 'You're doing too much.' 'Well, this is it. I can't cope with any more work.'

ˌthat's ˈthat - used to say that your decision cannot be changed
Example: Well I'm not going, and that's that.

come to think of it - used when you suddenly remember sth or realize that it might be important
Example: Come to think of it, he did mention seeing you.

if you ask me - used to emphasize that a statement is one's personal opinion
Example: if you ask me, it's just an excuse for laziness
Example: Their marriage was a mistake, if you ask me.

talking of sb/sth - used when you are going to say more about a subject that has already been mentioned
Example: Talking of Sue, I met her new boyfriend last week.

remind sb of sb/sth - sb/sth else, they make you remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because they are similar in some way
Example: That smell reminds me of France.

As I was saying - takes the cinversation back to earlier point
Example: As I was saying I was shaped as tub of lard in those days but I never gave it a thought.

ˈnow then - used when making a suggestion or an offer
Example: Now then, who wants to come for a walk?

every now and then - from time to time; occasionally
Example: I used to see him every now and then

if all else ˈfails - used to suggest sth that sb can do if nothing else they have tried is successful
Example: If all else fails, you can always sell your motorbike.

as far as - is concerned - as regards the interests or case of
Example: the measures are irrelevant as far as inflation is concerned

when it comes to sth / to doing sth - when it is a question of sth
Example: When it comes to getting things done, he's useless.

as luck would have it - in the way that chance decides what will happen
Example: As luck would have it, the train was late.

occasionally [ə'keɪʒ(ə)n(ə)lɪ] - sometimes but not often
Example: We occasionally meet for a drink after work.

Unit 82:

Vocabulary phrase for remembering

get the wrong end of the stick - неправильно понимать что-л., составить неправильное представление о чём-л., заблуждаться; просчитаться
Example: ‘And you've got hold of the wrong end of the stick,’ Kilwhillie added. ‘I have no intention of marrying Mrs Urquhart-Unwin.’

cross-purposes - If people are at cross-purposes, they do not understand each other because they are working towards or talking about different things without realizing it.
Example: The two friends find themselves at cross-purposes with the officials.

get a word in edgeways - вставить, ввернуть слово, словечко
Example: When Pickering starts shouting nobody can get a word in edgeways

make head or tail of smth. - понимать что-л. (или кого-л.) , разбираться в чём-л.
Example: The pragmatists had vigour... The most important of them wrote well, and they gave an appearance of simplicity to problems which I had not been able to make head or tail of.

talk down - speak patronizingly or condescendingly to
Example: They even blame the government for talking down the nation's fourth biggest industry...

talking behind my back

small talk - is polite conversation about unimportant things that people make at social occasions
Example: Smiling for the cameras, the two men strained to make small talk.

talk shop - to talk about your work with the people you work with, especially when you are also with other people who are not connected with or interested in it
Example: Tony talked war shop to the sergeant for a few minutes, in the hope that he would let an ex-officer through...

talking point
Example: The judge's decision became a legal talking point.

star the ball rolling

rubbish - ˈrʌbɪʃ;
Example: Don' talk rubbish! — Хватит чушь пороть!

talk sense - говорить разумно, дельно, рассуждать здраво
Don't interrupt him; he's talking sense.

wrap up the discussion - завершать, заканчивать, приводить к концу дискуссию
Example: Well, that just about wraps it up for another Saturday afternoon's popular music broadcast.

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