Friday 18 June 2010

First, China. Next: the Great Firewall of... Australia?


Useful phrases:

web censorship
Australia may soon become the first Western democracy to join the ranks of Iran
access to the Internet is restricted by the state
watch it on a DVD or at the cinema and it is not shown on television
give a false sense of security
breach of privacy
poll conducted on the web site of the Sydney Morning Herald


censorship - ˈsensəʃɪp

New words:

clearing-house - a central office that banks use in order to pay each other money and exchange cheques, etc.

condone - kənˈdəʊn - to accept behaviour that is morally wrong or to treat it as if it were not serious
Example: Terrorism can never be condoned.

efficacy - ˈefɪkəsi - the ability of sth, especially a drug or a medical treatment, to produce the results that are wanted
Example: Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle.

circumvent - ˌsɜːkəmˈvent - to find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule
Example: They found a way of circumventing the law.

breach - briːtʃ - breach of sth a failure to do sth that must be done by law
Example: They are in breach of Article 119.

press ahead = press on - If you press on or press ahead, you continue with a task or activity in a determined way, and do not allow any problems or difficulties to delay you.
Example: He was persuaded by his advisers to press ahead...

crowbar - a straight iron bar, usually with a curved end, used for forcing open boxes and moving heavy objects

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