Wednesday 23 June 2010

Lesson 22.06.2010

Useful phrases:
that is an old method
have a big list consistING of
The calorific value of something, or its calorific content, is the number of calories it contains. (TECHNICAL) with a high calorific value.
If a food item is RICH in ...
If a food item containS ...
calorific value = калорийность
dietary fibre
it depends on ..
I'm trying to cut down on carbohydrates.
essential proteins and vitamins
Peas, beans and lentils are a good source of vegetable protein.
nature vs nurture
The human organism learns partly by nature, partly by nurture.
genetically modified food additives
less capable of survival
without pesticides or fertilizers
it's become trendy to V
keep cows, sheep, POULTRY (дом. птица): chickens, geese, turkeys

New words:
unflavoured - без вкусовых добавок
artificial flavourings - усилители вкуса
artificial colorants - красители
food additives - пищевые добавки
preservatives - консерванты
a greenhouse - парник
a country house OR a land plot (земельный участок)
a farmhouse
pesticide - пестицид, "убивающее насекомых-вредителей вещество"
insecticide - a chemical used for killing insects

pro-teins / preu - ti:nz
nurture - ˈnɜːtʃə(r)
additive - ˈædətɪv
orchard - ôrchərd

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