Monday 14 June 2010

Writing phrases

Thank you for/Many thanks for your (recent) letter/postcard.
It was good/nice to hear from your recently.
I'm sorry I haven't written/been in touch for such a long time.
It's ages since I've heard from you. I hope you're well/you and your farmily are well.

I'm writing to apologize for missing your party last week. The thing is that I was in bed with flu.
I am writing to apologize for the things I said at our last meeting. I lost my temper. I assure you it won't happen again.

I'm really sorry that I didn't get in touch earlier, but I had a hell of a lot of work to do. My belated congratulations on your 30th birthday! Many happy returns of the day!

I would like to say how sorry I am about the trouble I have caused/that you were disturbed.
The reason I missed the meetings was that my car had broken down on the way to the office.
I assure you that this will never happen again.

If you let me know
how much you paid for it, I'll be glad to reimburse your expenses.
Please let me know how much it costs, so that I could pay for it.
If you let me know where you bought it/how much it cost, and I'll pay it gladly/ I will replace it gladly.
Could you forward me the bill so that I could reimburse your expenses?
Could you forward me the bill/invoice so that I could pay it already this week?

I am writing to complain about a holiday I booked with your company.
I am writing to say that I am not satisfied with the standard of service at your restaurant.
I must insist that you refund the cost of the bill.
In this regard, I insist on getting a refund of my full payment
I must ask you to .....

I am writing to enquire about....
I was interested in your advertisement in "The daily News" and I would like to have further information about ...
I would be grateful if you could send me full details of ....
Could you send me your brochure/catalogue?
I look forward to hearing from you/receiving the information.

Invitations - Accepting/Rejecting
I'm/We're having a party on Friday 19th and I/we hope you I'll be able to come.
Would you like to come/go to see 'Room With a View' with me at the weekend?
I was wondering if you'd like to go to the theatre/come on holiday withg us?
Could you let me/us know if you can come/you'd like joint us?
Thank you very much for your invitation. I'd love to come.

Letters of Request
To begin letter:
I'm writing to ask for your help/you (if you could do me) a favour.
I wonder if/I was wondering if you could help me/do me a favour.
I hope you don't mind me asking but could you (possibly)....?
I'd be very/really/terribly grateful if could ....
I wonder if I might ask you for/request your valuable advice on/concerning.....

To end letters:
I hope that my request will not inconvenience you to much.
I hope that you will forgive me for taking up your valuable time.
I look forward to hearing from you/receiving your reply as soon as possible.

Letter of Opinions
To begin letters:
I am writing to express my disappointment/dissatisfaction with ....
I regret to/feel I must inform you how appalled/shocked I was

I strongly disagree with/I completely agree with Mr Smith's letter, which appeared yesterday.
I was interested to read the article on immigration on Manday's edition of your newspaper but I don't think gave all the facts.
I was interested/fascinated/amused/delighted to see/hear/read ....
I was horrified/shocked/disgusted to ...
In my opinion there is far too much violence in television dramas these days.
In conclusion I feel/I believe ....

To end letters:
I hope/trust this matter will be dealt with/resolved as soon as possible
I hope/trust this matter will recieve tour immediate attention.
I feel that you should ... /I am entitled to compensation/a refund/ a replacement.
I will have no choice but to/I will be forced to take further/legal action.

Thank you / Congratulations / Good luck
I'm writing to thank you for your hospitality/the wonderful present.
It was so kind of you to invite me to stay with you.
I really appreciated all you help/advice.

Congratulations on passing your exams/your excellent exam results!
You really deserved to succeed after all your hard work!

I wish you good luck/Good luck in/with your exams/your driving test/your interview.
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do well/pass.
Do be on time, won't you, and don't forget to ...

I thought you might be interesting to hear about/know that...?
This is just to let you know that...
By the way, have you heard about/did you know that...?

Letters applying for a Job
To begin letters:
I am writing to apply for the position of .... advertise in yesterday's ...
I was interested in the advertisement in
(newspaper/magazine) on (date) and i would like to apply for the position of (job title)

I am 21 years of age and I have a
Diploma in Business Administration.
My reason for applying is that I am interested in tourism ad I would like to be able use my foreign languages.
I am currently/At present I am employed/working as ....
I was employed as (position) by company from (date) to (date)...
My qualifications include .... / I am presently studying/attending a course....
I have successfully/recently completed a course in (subject) at (place).

end letters:
I would be happy/able to attend an interview at any time which is convenient to you.
I enclose/Please find enclosed my CV/references from....
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience/as soon as possible.
Please contact me should you have any further questions/queries.

I look forward to/Looking forward to hearing from/seeing you.
See you soon./Write soon./Hope to hear from you soon.
Once again, thank you for all your help.
Give my regards/love to ...

Yours sincerely - фраза в конце письма, начинавшегося с обращения, в котором указывается фамилия адресата, например, Dear Mr Wiggins или Dear Ms Higgins
Yours faithfully - заключительная фраза в официальном письме, начинающемся с обращения, в котором не указывается фамилия адресата, например, Dear Sir или Dear Madam

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