Thursday 22 July 2010

Cut down on meat to lose weight


New words:

slimmer - ˈslɪmə(r) - a person who is trying to lose weight
Example: a person who is trying to lose weight.

long run - длительный период
Example: The long run is a period of time sufficiently long, such that all factors of production can be fully adjusted.

caveat - ˈkæviæt - a warning that particular things need to be considered before sth can be done

lentil - ˈlentl - чечевица

pulse - бобы (съедобные семена бобовых растений, например, горох)

oily - 'oilē - oily (oilier, oiliest) - containing oil oily fish such as mackerel and sardines

Useful phrases:

Cut down on meat to lose weight
key to keeping a healthy weight
A European study of almost 400,000 adults found that
strongest association was found with
high-protein diets may not help slimmers in the long run

The findings, published in the .....
a portion of meat should be about the size of a deck of cards

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