Tuesday 31 August 2010

Google and Skype could be hit by India data curbs

curb - kɜːb
обуздание, сдерживание (чего-л.)
to control or limit sth, especially sth bad
Example: Google and Skype could be hit by India data curbs

careful and thorough examination
внимательный осмотр; исследование, наблюдение
scrutiny - 'skruːtɪnɪ
Example: India has toughened its scrutiny of telecoms firms with a directive demanding "access to everything".

отслеживание, перехват
Example: Some have speculated that the Indian government's new focus on its snooping powers is down to increased fears of terrorism.

hood - hud
Example: no-one knows what is under the hood

откладывать приведение в исполнение (смертного) приговора
to officially cancel or delay a punishment for a prisoner who is condemned to death :
reprieve - rɪ'priːv
Example: Saudi gives Blackberry reprieve.

What mean phrase "for now"
until a later time that's all the news there is for now
Example: Saudi Arabia's telecommunications regulator has said it will allow BlackBerry services to continue in the kingdom for now.

Url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-11137647

Monday 30 August 2010

Paris Hilton 'arrested with cocaine' in Las Vegas

socialite - 'səuʃ(ə)laɪt
cветский лев / львица
Example: millionaire socialite Paris Hilton — Пэрис Хилтон - героиня светской хроники с миллионным состоянием

утверждаемый (обычно голословно)
alleged - ə'leʤ(ə)d
Example: alleged murderer — лицо, обвиняемое в убийстве

заклад, залог; поручительство
money that sb agrees to pay if a person accused of a crime does not appear at their trial.
bail - beɪl
Example: Her brother was out on bail. — Её брата освободили под залог.

порицать, осуждать; обвинять; ставить в вину
charge - ʧɑːʤ
Example: Watch commander Lt Wayne Holman said the driver of the car had been charged with driving under the influence of drugs.
Example: She was later released without charge.


Friday 27 August 2010

Wheat genome may help tackle food shortages

drought - draut
Example: two years of severe drought

burnt and black
charred - ˈtʃɑːd
the charred remains of a burnt-out car

урожай, жатва; посев (not a yield)
a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food :
crop - krɒp
Example: Russia, one of the biggest producers of wheat, banned all export of wheat after severe drought and wildfires charred crops around the country.

a large amount of mud sliding down a mountain, often destroying buildings and injuring or killing people below
обвал, оползень
mudslide - 'mʌdslaɪd
Example: Major floods in Pakistan and mudslides in China made wheat prices spike even further.

главный элемент (чего-л.) ; основное занятие (Pron.)
staple - 'stpl
Example: Wheat, with an estimated world harvest of more than 550 million tonnes, is considered one of major staple foods in European agriculture

характерная черта, особенность
trait - treɪt
character trait — черта характера

включать; заключать в себе, содержать
comprise - kəm'praɪz
Example: The wheat genome is five times larger than the human genome and is known to be a very complex structure, comprised of three independent genomes.

Url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11099378

Thursday 26 August 2010

New words

rain dance
немотивированные или бессмысленные действия над аппаратным или программным обеспечением с целью достижения какого-либо результата, ритуальный танец

funny or amusing in a slightly crazy way
чокнутый; со странностями
wacky - 'wækɪ
Example: wacky ideas

to make a ridiculous or unpleasant face
gurn - gəːn
Example: The aim of gurning is to pull the most grotesque face possible.

a weapon like a gun that shoots out burning liquid or flames and is often used for clearing plants from land
And the man how breath the fire.
flame-thrower - 'fleɪmˌθrəuə

a short holiday / vacation; a place that is suitable for a holiday / vacation
getaway - 'getəweɪ

waffle - 'wɔfl
Example: waffle towel — вафельное полотенце

керамика, фаянс
earthenware -'ɜːθ(ə)nwɛə
Example: an earthenware bowl

sideways - 'saɪdweɪz
1) в сторону 2) сбоку, со стороны 3) боком, на боку
Example: He looked sideways at her.

shortage - 'ʃɔːtɪʤ
нехватка, недостаток; дефицит
Example: food shortage — нехватка продовольствия

to refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc. :
defy - dɪ'faɪ
Example: to defy public opinion — не придавать значения общественному мнению

1) имеющий недовольный вид, скрививший рот
2) повесивший голову, в унынии, в плохом настроении

всё что угодно, только не...
anything but
Example: He is anything but a scholar. — Он все что угодно, только не ученый.

пруд; маленькое озеро
pond - pɔnd
Example: across the pond — по ту сторону Атлантики (в США) ^)

разрабатывать (план) ; составлять (документ) ; подбирать цифры, цитаты, ссылки
work out

вымирание (вида животных, племени)
extinction - ɪk'stɪŋkʃ(ə)n
Example: the extinction of species

dioxide - daɪ'ɔksaɪd
Example: atmospheric carbon dioxide

to make it difficult for sb to do sth or sth to happen
задерживать, затруднять; мешать, препятствовать (чему-л.)
hinder - ˈhɪndə(r)
hinder sb/sth (from sth / from doing sth)
Example: actually hinders rather than helps our ability to respond to global challenge?

tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged
чёткий, ясный, точный
neat - niːt
Example: But it isn't a sort of a neat

Wednesday 25 August 2010

New words

детская коляска
a small vehicle on four wheels for a baby to go out in, pushed by a person on foot
pram - præm

the foot of an animal that has claws or nails
paw - pɔː

claw - klɔː

буханка, каравай; булка, батон
loaf - ləuf
multiple loaves - ləuvz

We can also use “what” to ask for opinions of things or people.
For example:
a) A: What is he like?
B: He’s tall and handsome and really, really nice.
b) A: What was the film like?
B: Not very good.

We use “which” when there is a limited choice of something.
For example:
a) Which bag do you like? The red one or the green one?
b) Which towel did you take? Mine or yours?

put up with sb/sth
to accept sb/sth that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without complaining SYN tolerate
I don't know how she puts up with him.
They have to put up with angry customers, vicious dogs and sore feet from all the walking.

to invent something
to make something up
Example: You couldn’t make it up!

Tuesday 24 August 2010

New words

Useful phrase:

Не могли бы вы повторить это, пожалуйста?
Could you repeat that, please?

Не могли бы вы проспеленговать для меня это, пожалуйста?
Would you mind spelling that for me, please?

Не могли бы вы говорить немного громче, пожалуйста?
Could you speak up a little please?

Не могли бы вы говорить немного медленнее, пожалуйста?
Can you speak a little slower please?

Есть ли у вас ручка рядом?
Do you have a pen handy?

Не хотели бы вы повторить за мной?
Would you like to repeat that back to me?

Как это проспеленговать, пожалуйста?
How do you spell that, please?

Не могли бы вы мне послать e-mail для подтверждения?
Could you send me an e-mail confirming that, please?

Phrase for used to express polite apology
I beg your pardon

гребешок (двустворчатый моллюск)
scallop 1 - 'skɔləp

oyster - 'ɔɪstə

eel - iːl

halibut - 'hælɪbət

сообщник, соучастник (преступления)
accomplice - ə'kɔmplɪs
accomplice in crime — соучастник преступления

Source Hot english № 102

Learn Real English - 19. las_vegas_part_2

to be very excited about something
I would have been like a kid in .................. there.
I would have been like a kid in the candy store there.

casually passing time
hangin’ out
Uh, y’know, and especially as a college student and you’re hangin’ out with other folks.

caught up in the moment
to become completely involved in something
Example: Or they get caught up in the moment and they just start gamblin’.

I understand
I got you
Example: Oh, I got you, to pay before she saw it.

lose their cool
to get angry or upset
Example: Yeah, yeah coz if his parents saw the bill and, and figured out that he was
gamblin’ away the money on their credit cards, they would totally lose their cool.

flip out
to get angry or upset; same as lose your cool
Example: They would, they would flip out on him.

(a)round the clock
all the time
Example: My gosh. Y’know, it’s just like, it’s, no matter where you go there’s gambling
round the clock.

get hitched
to get married
Example: But I guess if uh, if you, actually, uh, made enough money and you met a pretty
girl then maybe it’s time to go get hitched [laugh].

a pretty big deal
very important
Example: It’s a pretty big deal.

throw up - бросать (что-л.) , отказываться от участия (в чем-л.)
Example: to throw up one's claims — отказаться от своих требований

Monday 23 August 2010

New words

enlightenment - ɪn'laɪt(ə)nmənt
1) образование, обучение, просвещение; просвещённость
(the Enlightenment) европейское философское течение 18 века the age of Enlightenment — эпоха Просвещения

collateral - kəˈlætərəl
property or sth valuable that you promise to give to sb if you cannot pay back money that you borrow

gearhead - a person who is very enthusiastic about new gadgets

sneeze - sniːz
Example: to sneeze loudly — громко чихать

velocity - vɪ'lɔsətɪ
the speed of sth in a particular direction
скорость; быстрота
Example: at a certain velocity — с определённой скоростью

lead - led
Example: unleaded gasoline

место проведения (мероприятия, встречи)
venue - 'venjuː

Thursday 19 August 2010

Revision Exercises I

Possesive Ex. 50 - 2 mistake
Personal pronouns Ex. 46 wrote they insted them - 5 mistake

US National Guard troops deployed at Mexico border

Url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11020174

New words:

beef up - усиливать, укреплять, подкреплять (ресурсами) ; расширять; наращивать
Example: They are the first of more than 1,000 troops President Barack Obama has authorised to beef up border security.

along - вдоль, по
Example: US National Guard troops have been deployed along the country's southern border between the state of California and Mexico.

drug smuggler [smʌ̱gələ(r)] - контрабандист наркотиков
Example: The deployment of National Guard troops is part of Mr Obama's response to loud calls to do more to secure America's borders against drug smugglers, human traffickers and illegal immigrants.

dig - dig
dig (for sth) to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine :
Example: I've been digging the garden.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

New words for remembering

egg fried on one side only
sunny side up

желток (яйца)
yolk - jəuk

Eggs cooked on both sides until the yolk has solidified.
Over well', also called 'over hard' or 'hard

Eggs cooked on both sides; the yolk is a thin liquid
Over easy', also called 'over light or runny

омлет, яичница-болтунья
scrambled eggs

Cage nut

server rack rail

to clip onto the open mounting hole

fastening angle
крепящий уголок

fastening bolt
крепёжный болт

fastening nut
крепёжная гайка

пружинное скрепление
spring fastening

possessive - pə'zesɪv
а) собственнический
б) притяжательный

Example: possessive case — притяжательный падеж
possessive pronoun — притяжательное местоимение

the thick main stem of a tree, that the branches grow from
trunk - trʌŋk

карие глаза
hazel eyes
Example: My eyes are blue and yours are hazel — У меня глаза голубые, а у тебя - карие.

Friday 6 August 2010

Prepositions at/in/on places

There 's no one __ the room. - in
When did he arrive __ Japan? - in
I stopped __ the shop on the way home. - at (we use 'at' to talk about building such as dantist, the supermarket)
What time did he arrive __ school? - at
I was __ the bank when in come Sue. - in (use 'in' to emphasise that we mean)
Don't sit __ that armchair. It's broken. - in
I read the paper __ the taxi on the way. - in (for travel using taxi and cars)
The've opened an office __ 28 lees Road. - at (use at before an adress)
When I go to the movies, I prefer to sit __ the front row. - in
I'll meet you __ the airport. (meeting point) - at
I'll probably go __ the bus. - on (we use 'in' if we want to emphasise inside the bus)
Have you read this artivle __ the newspaper? - in
The church is __ park Road. - in/on (use in - on before the name of a road)
When did he arrive __ home? --
Robert lives __ a small village __ the mountains. - in
I'll meet you __ the airport. (inside building) - in
She's majoring in economics __ Los Ageles City Coolege. - at
There was an important meeting of ministers __ Downing Street today. - at (insted of in when we use a street name refer to an institution in the street)
What time did he arrive __ work? - at
What do you have __ your hand. - in
He's __ Manchester studying Linguistics. - at (a student in uni)
We went to a concert __ the Arts Center. - at
Tom's parent's live __ St.Louis. - in
She keeps her money __ her bag. - in
She works __ a shoe shop. - in (the kind place)
Where there many people __ the meeting? - at
Tom's father is __ the hospital. - in
He's __ Los Angeles on business. - in (staying or living there)
The car is in _______ the truck. - front of
She works __ Marks and Spencer. - at the name of a partial organisation
have you ever worked __ a farm. - on
I was __ Tom's house last night. - at
There 's no one __ the store. - in
Dan will be __ college/school for two more years. -in
The rooms __ Tom's house are very small.
I'll be __ work until 5:30. - at
Do you know if this train stops __ Smithtown? - at
There wasn't cloud __ the sky. - in
There's been another big forest fire __ California. - in
Where there many people __ the party? - at
I enjoyed the movie, but it was very cold __ in the theater. - in
Who is the women __ that photograph? - in
Tom's father is __ hospital. - in
Let's sit __ the front (of the theater). - in
We stopped __ a pretty town on the way to Los Angeles. - at
Tom is away __ college right now, but he'll home for the summer. - at
Write your name __ the back of this piece of paper. - on
I arrived __ New Street Station at 7.30. -at
I live __ Pushkin Street. - in
She owns house __ the Swan River. - on
The piano is __ the back of the hall. - at

Source: English Grammar In Use - Reference And Practice For Intermediate Students.pdf

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Market Reforms, 20 Years Later

Url: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=market-reforms-20-years-later

New words:

tumultuous - t(y)o͞o'məlcho͞oəs; tə - making a loud, confused noise; uproarious
Example: a tumultuous crowd

venerable - 'ven(ə)rəbl - многоуважаемый, почтенный, уважаемый
Example: a venerable old man

surmount - səˈmaʊnt; - to deal successfully with a difficulty
Example: Both cities, proud and venerable capitals, had surmounted the tumul­tuous collapse of the Soviet era.

grapple - ˈgræpl - grapple (with sb/sth) to take a firm hold of sb/sth and struggle with them :
Example: Conversely, Russia was not dashing to Europe but was instead grappling with its own past and future.

conversely - ˈkɒnvɜːsli - in a way that is the opposite or reverse of sth
Example: You can add the fluid to the powder, or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.

rampant - 'rampənt (of sth bad) existing or spreading everywhere in a way that cannot be controlled. Syn: unchecked
Example: In Russia, on the other hand, corruption has run rampant during the past 20 years.

Useful phrases:

with much less evidence of
well worth = certainly worth

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Round Up 2 - Pretest 1 (Unit1-5)

More then 25 mistakes

Don't know when use them and they.

"There is" and "There are"

Use "some and "any"

And senteses about herself like Name, nationality, Eyes , abilities.

Microsoft issues 'critical' patch for shortcut bug

Url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-10837232

New words:

booby-trap - bu͟ːbi træp - A booby-trap is something such as a bomb which is hidden or disguised and which causes death or injury when it is touched.
Example: Police were checking the area for booby traps.

to take over - принимать (должность, обязанности) от другого
Example: The bug allowed attackers to craft booby-trapped shortcuts that allow them to take over a target computer.

flaw - flɔː - flaw (in sth) a mistake in sth that means that it is not correct or does not work correctly
Example: The flaw was found in mid-July and allows malicious hackers to embed commands in shortcuts that are executed when that quick link is used or viewed.

Useful phrases:
Microsoft has issued a ....