Wednesday 25 August 2010

New words

детская коляска
a small vehicle on four wheels for a baby to go out in, pushed by a person on foot
pram - præm

the foot of an animal that has claws or nails
paw - pɔː

claw - klɔː

буханка, каравай; булка, батон
loaf - ləuf
multiple loaves - ləuvz

We can also use “what” to ask for opinions of things or people.
For example:
a) A: What is he like?
B: He’s tall and handsome and really, really nice.
b) A: What was the film like?
B: Not very good.

We use “which” when there is a limited choice of something.
For example:
a) Which bag do you like? The red one or the green one?
b) Which towel did you take? Mine or yours?

put up with sb/sth
to accept sb/sth that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without complaining SYN tolerate
I don't know how she puts up with him.
They have to put up with angry customers, vicious dogs and sore feet from all the walking.

to invent something
to make something up
Example: You couldn’t make it up!

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