Wednesday 15 December 2010

Lesson - 14.12.2010

Useful phrase:
"when I was on my way to work"
"when I was going to work"
"a system of checks and balances"

skis - skiːz


skating rinks - A rink is a large area covered with ice where people go to ice-skate, or a large area of concrete where people go to roller-skate.

politics - 'päləˌtiks
The activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, esp. the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power

politician - pɒ̱lɪtɪ̱ʃ(ə)n
a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office

policy - ˈpɒləsi
a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a business, etc

legislative power - законодлательная власть

judicial - ʤuː'dɪʃ(ə)l
connected with a court, a judge or legal judgement
Example: judicial powers

peculiarity - pɪˌkjuːlɪ'ærətɪ
a strange or unusual feature or habit
специфичность; особенность, своеобразие, специфика
Example: there are some peculiarities

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