Friday 14 January 2011

Lesson - 13.01.2011


Arabic - 'ærəbɪk (stress)
EGypt - 'iːʤɪpt (stress)
Jerusalem - ʤə'ruːs(ə)ləm (stress)
south - sauθ
chemical - 'kemɪk(ə)l
salt - sɔːlt


спуск по склону
downhill - 'daun'hɪl

orthodox - 'ɔːθədɔks

солёность; минерализация (воды)
salinity - sə'lɪnətɪ

в шесть раз выше
is 6 times higher

hookah - 'hukə
hubble bubble

paraphernalia - ˌpærəfə'neɪlɪə
a) атрибуты, принадлежности
b) trappings associated with a particular institution or activity that are regarded as superfluous
c) a large number of objects or personal possessions, especially the equipment that you need for a particular activity
Example: the rituals and paraphernalia of government

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