Sunday 27 March 2011

How the iPad revolution has transformed working lives

feed into sth
to have an influence on the development of sth
Example: "five users tell us about how the iPad is feeding into the way they work"

Пять пользователей рассказали нам как Ipad влияет на их работу.
feed into sth
Example: "five users tell us about how the iPad is feeding into the way they work"

острое зрение
keen eyesight
keen - kiːn

Мои глаза стали лучше видеть.
my eye gets keener
keen - kiːn

hype - haɪp
активная, назойливая реклама, пускание пыли в глаза; очковтирательство
advertisements and discussion on television, radio, etc. telling the public about a product and about how good or important it is
Example: But is it really changing the way we work? We interviewed a range of people in different professions to see whether the iPad is all hype – or whether in future we will all keep taking the tablets.

hack off
If you hack something off, you cut it off with strong, rough strokes using a sharp tool such as an axe or knife.
Example: The iPhone's battery life is too short – it hacks me off.


1 comment:

  1. In the context of the iPad's short battery life, 'it hacks me off' means 'it really annoys me'.
