Wednesday 2 March 2011

Pumping Oil with Sunshine

oil field
seabed underlain by strata yielding petroleum, esp. in amounts that justify commercial exploitation
нефтяное месторождение

heat up
When you heat something up, especially food which has already been cooked and allowed to go cold, you make it hot.
Example: The goal is to provide a cleaner and cheaper way to heat up the steam used to melt the field's thicker oils and scour out more of the black gold.

screwed up
If you say that someone is screwed up, you mean that they are very confused or worried, or that they have psychological problems.

Он все испортил - use phrasal verbs with word screw
He got the whole thing screwed up

В этот приезд у меня все идет не так, как надо - use phrasal verbs with word screw
I'm totally screwed up on this trip

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