Monday 31 May 2010

The article "Nonverbal communication"


Useful phrases:

1) Nonverbal communication
2) wordless message
3) focused on face-to-face interaction
4) verbal communication - meaning "of or concerned with words"
5) Nonverbal communication can occur through any sensory channel — sight, sound, smell, touch or taste.
6) was a key factor affecting
7) Proxemics - is the study of how people use and perceive the physical space around them.
8) Chronemics - is the study of the use of time in nonverbal communication.
9) several things can be at once - at the same time
10) Polychronic cultures - culture is more focused on relationships, rather than watching the clock.
11) Monochronic Time system means that things are done one at a time and time is segmented into precise, small units.
12) culture-specific gestures that can be used as replacement for words
13) another broad category of
14) Haptics is the study of touching as nonverbal communication. Touches that can be defined as communication include handshakes, holding hands, kissing (cheek, lips, hand), back slapping, high fives, a pat on the shoulder, and brushing an arm.
15) communicate via touching
16) eye gaze - the role of eyes in nonverbal communication
17) acoustic properties of speech such as tone, pitch and accent
18) Interaction of verbal and nonverbal communication: Repeating, Conflicting, Complementing, Substituting, Regulating, Accenting/Moderating
19) on average, to a moderate degree, women are better at nonverbal communication than are men

Words for remembering:

arbitrary - ˈɑːbɪtrəri - not seeming to be based on a reason, system or plan and sometimes seeming unfair
Example: The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary.

steep - stiːp - rising or falling quickly, not gradually, sudden and very big
Example: a steep flight of stairs

Kinesics - study how people communicate through posture, gesture, stance, and movement.

Posture - ˈpɒstʃə(r) - the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting
Example: a comfortable/relaxed posture

wink - wɪŋk - to close one eye and open it again quickly, especially as a private signal to somebody, or to show something is a joke
Example: He winked at her and she knew he was thinking the same thing that she was.

gesture - ˈdʒestʃə(r) - a movement that you make with your hands, your head or your face to show a particular meaning
Example: He made a rude gesture at the driver of the other car.

haptic - ˈhæptɪk - relating to or involving the sense of touch
Example: Players use a haptic device such as a joystick to control the game.

paralanguage - ['parəˌlanggwij] - the nonlexical component of communication by speech, for example intonation, pitch and speed of speaking, hesitation noises, gesture, and facial expression

cue - [kjuː] - a few words or an action in a play that is a signal for another actor to do sth
Example: She stood in the wings and waited for her cue to go on.

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