Tuesday 1 June 2010

Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use Unit 70-100

Source: Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate

Unit 70 - Speaking

Words for remembering:

mumble - ˈmʌmbl - to speak or say sth in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear
Most likely mood: nervous or insecure
Example: She mumbled an apology and left.

mutter - ˈmʌtə(r) - mutter (sth) (to sb / yourself) (about sth) to speak or say sth in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about sth.
Most likely mood: irritated
Example: I muttered something about needing to get back to work.

shriek - ʃriːk - shriek (with sth) | shriek (at sb) to give a loud high shout, for example when you are excited, frightened or in pain.
Most likely mood: frightened or amused
Example: The audience was shrieking with laughter.

stutter - ˈstʌtə(r) - to have difficulty speaking because you cannot stop yourself from repeating the first sound of some words several times
Most likely mood: nervous or excited
Example: I managed to stutter a reply.

boast - bəʊst - boast (about / of sth) to talk with too much pride about sth that you have or can do.
Most likely mood: proud of oneself
Example: I don't want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.

object - ˈɒbdʒɪkt - object (to sb/sth) | object (to doing sth / to sb doing sth) to say that you disagree with, disapprove of or oppose sth :
Most likely mood: unhappy
Example: Many local people object to the building of the new airport.

groan - grəʊn - groan (at / with sth) to make a long deep sound because you are annoyed, upset or in pain, or with pleasure
Most likely mood: despair, pain
Example: We all groaned at his terrible jokes.

confess - kənˈfes - confess (to sth / to doing sth) to admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done sth wrong or illegal
Most likely mood: repentant
Example: She confessed to the murder.

repentant - rɪˈpentənt - feeling or showing that you are sorry for sth wrong that you have done
Example: repentant for one's sins

beg - beg - beg (sb) (for sth) | beg (sth) (of / from sb) to ask sb for sth especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much.
Most likely mood: desperate
Example: They begged him for help.

grumble - ˈgrʌmbl - grumble (at / to sb) (about / at sb/sth) to complain about sb/sth in a bad-tempered way.
Most likely mood: displeased
Example: She's always grumbling to me about how badly she's treated at work.

crossly - ['krɔslɪ] - Syn: angrily
Example: Well what did you expect?’ she said crossly.

furious - ˈfjʊəriəs - furious (with sb) | furious (at sth/sb) | furious (that ... ) very angry
Example: She was absolutely furious at having been deceived.

gloomy - ˈgluːmi - nearly dark, or badly lit in a way that makes you feel sad, SYN depressing :.
Example: It was a wet and gloomy day.

unease - ʌnˈiːz - the feeling of being worried or unhappy about sth, SYN anxiety.
Example: There was a growing unease about their involvement in the war.

anxious - ˈæŋkʃəs - anxious (about sth) | anxious (for sb) feeling worried or nervous
Example: Parents are naturally anxious for their children.

eager - ˈiːgə(r) - eager (for sth / to do sth) very interested and excited by sth that is going to happen or about sth that you want to do. SYN keen.
Example: eager crowds outside the stadium

bold - bəʊld - (of people or behaviour) brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks.
Example: It was a bold move on their part to open a business in France.

Unit 100 - Discourse markers

Useful phrases:

Well, where shall I start?

Mind you - used to add sth to what you have just said, especially sth that makes it less strong.
Example: I've heard they're getting divorced. Mind you, I'm not surprised — they were always arguing.

You see - sed when you are explaining sth.
Example: You see, the thing is, we won't be finished before Friday.

hold on - used to tell sb to wait or stop
Example: Hold on! Let me tell what he said!

I know almost all phrases but I should use it in my speaking.

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