Thursday 15 July 2010

Unit 43 - Food

Q. лук-порей
A. leek - liːk
Example: wild leek — дикий лук; черемша

Q. aubergine - ˈəʊbəʒiːn
A. баклажан

Q. баклажан
A. eggplant - ˈegplɑːnt - (Amr.)

Q. оленина
A. venison - 'venɪs(ə)n

Q. треска
A. cod - kɒd

Q. кефаль
A. mullet - ˈmʌlɪt

Q. камбала (плоская морская рыба)
A. plaice - pleɪs

Q. сельдь
A. herring - ˈherɪŋ

Q. форель
A. trout - traut

Q. лосось; сёмга
A. salmon - ˈsæmən

Q. речной рак
A. crayfish - ˈkreɪfɪʃ

Q. лангуст(а) (десятиногий морской рак)
A. sea crayfish

Q. мидия
A. mussel - 'mʌs(ə)l

Q. устрица
A. oyster - ˈɔɪstə(r)

Q. шалфей
A. sage - seɪdʒ

Q. трава
A. herb - hɜːb

Q. salt, herbs, or spices added to food to enhance the flavour
A. seasoning - 'sez?ning
Example: Ham seasoned with garlic. — Ветчина, приправленная чесноком.

Q. having an acid taste like lemon or vinegar
A. sour - ˈsaʊə(r)

Q. неострый, некрепкий (о еде, напитках)
A. mild - maɪld
Example: mild cheese — неострый сыр

Q. (of food or drink) unseasoned, mild-tasting, or insipid
A. bland - blænd

Q. lacking flavour; weak or tasteless
A. insipid - ɪnˈsɪpɪd
Example: mugs of insipid coffee

Q. A taste is unpleasant and makes you feel slightly sick, often because it is extremely sweet.
A. sickly - ˈsɪkli
Example: ...the sickly smell of rum.

Q. острый, пикантный, пряный
A. savoury - ˈseɪvəri
Example: savoury sauce — острый соус savoury filling — пикантная начинка

Q. (of food) heavy, filling, and high in carbohydrates
A. stodgy - ˈstɒdʒi
Example: He was disgusted with the stodgy pizzas on sale in London.

Q. зажаренный, поджаренный как раз в меру
A. done to a turn

Q. moreish - ˈmɔːrɪʃ
A. If you describe food as moreish, you mean that it is so nice that you want to keep eating more of it once you have started.
Example: Thai food's very moreish, isn't it?

Q. a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan
A. stew - stjuː
Stew the vegetables in the meat juice to make them tasty

Q. запеканка
A. casserole - ˈkæsərəʊl
Example: ...a huge beef casserole, full of herbs, vegetables and wine.

Q. chop - tʃɒp
A. A chop is a small piece of meat cut from the ribs of a sheep or pig.

Q. десерт, сладкое блюдо (Bri.)
A. pudding - ˈpʊdɪŋ
Example: ...a menu featuring canapes, a starter, a main course and a pudding...

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