Friday 9 July 2010

Unit 45 - Towns

Q. an area of ground marked out or used for play in an outdoor team game
A. a football pitch

Q. a place where used glass bottles may be deposited for recycling (Bri.)
A. bottle bank

Q. a residential area in which the houses have all been planned and built at the same time
A. housing estate

Q. an area of land developed as a site for factories and other industrial businesses
A. industrial estate

Q. A pedestrian precinct is a street or part of a town where vehicles are not allowed. [BRIT]
pedestrian precinct
A. pedestrian precinct

Q. в особенности в час пик
A. particularly in the rush-hour

Q. улицы переполнены трафиком
a. streets get so packed with traffic

Q. В отдельно это полно стресса для тех кто пустешествует из-за города на работу
A. This is particularly stressful for commuters

Q. a squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people
A. slum

Q. unusual or old-fashioned
A. quaint - kweɪnt
Example: quaint articles of furniture

Q. full of incessant or frantic activity
A. hectic - 'hektɪk
Example: Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health...

Q. суматоха, спешка
A. bustling - 'bʌslɪŋ
Example: I remember my grandmother always bustling about in the kitchen

Q. disgustingly dirty
A. Filthy - 'fɪlθɪ- (filthier, filthiest)
Example: a filthy hospital with no sanitation

Q. in poor condition through long use or lack of care
A. shabby - 'ʃæbɪ - (shabbier, shabbiest)
Example: He walked past her into a tiny, shabby room.

Q. с население около 135.000
A. with a population of about 135.000

Q. большинство мест расположено на близком расстоянии от центра
A. most places within walking distance of the center

Q. автобусы переполнены и одностороняя системы трафика чертовски сложна
A. The buses tend to be overcrowded and the one-way traffic system is fiendeshly complicated.

Q. чрезвычайно, чертовски, ужасно
A. fiendishly - 'fi?nd??l?
Example: I am fiendishly busy sometimes.

Q. на холмистой части города
A. In the hilly area of the city

Q. Галлерея искусств стоит того что бы ее посетить
A. Art Gallery is well worth a visit.

Q. c фешенебельного жилого района города возможно обозревать залив
A. The fashionable residental districts of city overlook the harbor.

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