Friday 3 September 2010

Why don't black Americans swim?

переходить вброд
to walk with an effort through sth, especially water or mud
wade - weɪd
Example: When 15-year-old DeKendrix Warner accidentally stepped into deeper water while wading in the Red River in Shreveport, he panicked.

прохожий, проезжий.
a person who is going past sb/sth by chance, especially when sth unexpected happens
Example: DeKendrix was rescued by a passer-by.

looking severe and without any colour or decoration :
сильный, неистовый; строгий, суровый
stark - stɑːk
Example: A recent study sponsored by USA Swimming uncovered equally stark statistics.

представитель, делегат
spokesman - 'spəuksmən
Example: Olympic gold medallist Cullen Jones is a spokesman for swimming initiatives

бережно хранить; лелеять (чувства, воспоминания)
to make a law, right, etc. respected or official, especially by stating it in an important written document
enshrine - ɪn'ʃraɪn
Example: Unlike the UK, where learning to swim is enshrined in the national curriculum except in Scotland, the ultimate responsibility in the US often lies with parents.

most likely
весьма правдоподобно, наиболее правдоподобный

persuader - pə'sweɪdə
убеждающий, уговаривающий, мастер уговоров


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