Friday 22 October 2010

Cuba agrees to release five more dissidents

exile - 'eksaɪl
изгнание; ссылка; высылка из страны, депортация (высылка из государства или переселение на новое место жительства как мера уголовного или административного наказания)
the state of being sent to live in another country that is not your own, especially for political reasons or as a punishment
Example: The prisoners - four men and a woman - have accepted exile in Spain in return.

prominent - 'prɔmɪnənt
выступающий; торчащий
important or well known
Example: Earlier, the European parliament gave its human rights award to the prominent Cuban dissident, Guillermo Farinas.

clandestine - klæn'destɪn
тайный, скрытый, секретный; нелегальный
done secretly or kept secret
Example: Under Cuban law, dissidents can be arrested, tried and jailed for speaking and writing against the government under charges like enemy propaganda, clandestine printing and unlawful association.

inmates - 'ɪnmeɪt
жилец, житель, обитатель
one of the people living in an institution such as a prison or a mental hospital
Example: Four of the five are on a list of inmates whose arrests are considered to have been politically motivated.

remain in jail
Example: Human rights groups say that between 40 and 100 people remain in jail for political reasons.


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