Wednesday 20 October 2010

String theory tackles strange metals

tackle - 'tækl
инструмент, принадлежности (в т.ч. технические)
энергично, с усердием браться, приниматься (за что-л.)
to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation
Example: String theory tackles strange metals.

superconductor - 'suːpəkənˌdʌktə
Example: Strange metals include high-temperature superconductors, which have no electrical resistance at all below a critical temperature that is generally defined as above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (196 °C).

lattice - 'lætɪs
решётка, сетка

come up
to be mentioned or discussed
Example: Sachdev's has come up with a more realistic model, McGreevy says, by applying a gravitational object, a kind of black hole, to a quantum system with properties that vary stepwise along a lattice, just as in the lattice structure of strange metals.

particle - 'pɑːtɪkl
частица; крупица
a very small piece of sth
Example: Even if string theory is successful in helping condensed matter physicists figure out strange metals, that won't necessarily mean that string theory is the correct description of fundamental particles and gravity.


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