Wednesday 27 October 2010

Iran loads fuel into the Bushehr nuclear reactor

amid - ə'mɪd
между, посреди, среди
Example: Iranian and Russian engineers initially began to move nuclear fuel into the reactor in August, amid great media fanfare, but the work was again delayed - Iran says due to a leak in the central pool of the reactor building.

rod - rɔd
стержень, брус, рейка, тяга, шток, рычаг
Example: Mohammad Ahmadian of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation said some 160 fuel rods would be placed in the core of the reactor - a process Iranian media report will take about 20 days.

elsewhere - ˌels'wɛə
где-то в другом месте
Example: I can speak with you here as well as elsewhere. — Я могу разговаривать с вами здесь, так же как где-либо в другом месте.

trumpet - 'trʌmpɪt
Example: Iran has once again trumpeted the achievement as a triumph in the face of its enemies.


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