Monday 4 October 2010

Nepal - part 2

all hell broke loose
there was a lot of trouble and confusion
Example: I think it was, it wasn’t even until after we left Nepal and got back to America that I started reading that all hell broke loose with the Maoists.

one day shy
one day less
Example: Mine was 12, so just one day shy of yours.

started off on the wrong foot
to begin badly; did not start well
Example: Yeah, it’s, it started off on the wrong foot for me.

sick as hell
to be very ill
Example: Well, apparently I ate something that didn’t agree with me and made me sick as hell to my stomach.

on the dot
at the exact time
Example: So, that’s how it started off…and we were, the next morning we were supposed to leave at 7 a.m. on the dot.

sick as a dog
to be very ill
Example: But, of course that got pushed back because I was so sick. I was sick as a dog.

freaked me out
made me afraid or worried
Example: I think it was like the second night there was this windstorm that really freaked me out…

sitting on top of the world
I was having a very good time
Example: I was like sitting on top of the world.

head was going to explode
to have a very bad headache
Example: But he said the night before he thought his head was going to explode, so…

catching a cold
to become sick
Example: So we all fared pretty well except, then towards the end, the guy from Luxembourg ended up catching a cold.

to top it off
in addition to
Example: And then to top it off, I caught it from him…

dirt cheap
very inexpensive
Example: Yeah, yeah, I can’t remember either how much we paid. But it, it was dirt cheap.

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