Monday 15 November 2010

Dangerous dash to save couple from sinking yacht

nautical - 'nɔːtɪk(ə)l (Pron!)
морской; навигационный, мореходный
connected with ships, sailors and sailing
Example: Two people have been rescued from a sinking yacht about 170 nautical miles off the NSW south coast.

steering - 'stɪərɪŋ
рулевое управление
the machinery in a vehicle that you use to control the direction it goes in
Example: "They weren't injured or in any immediate danger but the vessel had lost both primary and emergency steering, causing it to be adrift," Detective Superintendent Hutchings said.

head out
достигать кульминации
Example: Police launch Falcon headed out to sea and reached the yacht about 9.05am, but not before a further distress message was received.

swell - swel
the movement of the sea when it rises and falls without the waves breaking
Example: The Falcon is returning to Sydney in poor sea conditions, with north-east winds in excess of 25 knots and seas and swell about three to four metres.


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