Tuesday 16 November 2010

Clinton defends US Afghan policy after Karzai criticism

untenable - ʌn'tenəbl
непригодный для обороны
(of a theory, position, etc.) that cannot be defended against attack or criticism
Example: He warned that the Afghan leader's latest public criticism of US strategy threatens to undermine progress in the war, and risked making his own position "untenable", Afghan and US officials told the Washington Post.

call on
If you call on someone to do something or call upon them to do it, you say publicly that you want them to do it.
Example: In his Washington Post interview, he had called on the US to reduce the visibility and intensity of its military operations in the country.

drawdown - 'drɔːˌdaun
сокращение (численности войск, размещённых в каком-л. регионе)
a reduction in the size or presence of a military force
Example: Nato hopes for a gradual drawdown of foreign troops from the current peak of about 150,000 soldiers from more than 40 countries.

take charge
принять управление, командование, взять управление в свои руки; взять на себя инициативу, ответственность
assume control or responsibility
Example: Mr Karzai may want the US forces to reduce their footprint, but the BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Kabul says the reality is that Afghan forces simply are not ready to take charge.

Url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-11762544

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