Monday 22 November 2010

Wanted: more than 2000 Google employees in hiring spree

spree - spriː
a short period of time that you spend doing one particular activity that you enjoy, but often too much of it
(used especially in newspapers) a period of activity, especially criminal activity
Example: Wanted: more than 2000 Google employees in hiring spree.

rival - 'raɪv(ə)l
соперник; конкурент
rival (to sb/sth) (for sth) a person, company, or thing that competes with another in sport, business, etc.
Example: Google plans to hire more than 2000 people around the globe, bumping up its workforce as it expands into new markets and battles for talent with faster-growing rivals.

bump up
повышать, увеличивать
Example: Google plans to hire more than 2000 people around the globe, bumping up its workforce as it expands into new markets and battles for talent with faster-growing rivals.

tally - 'tælɪ
a record of the number or amount of sth, especially one that you can keep adding to
счёт (в т.ч. в игре) ; число
Example: The number of job openings is up nearly six-fold from a similar tally of job listings page conducted in March last year.

ramp up
наращивать, расширять; увеличивать
"We've been ramping up our hiring and the number of open jobs over the course of the past year," Google spokesman Jordan Newman said.

alongside - əˌlɔŋ'saɪd
неподалёку, поблизости; около, возле, рядом
next to or at the side of sth
Example: A police car pulled up alongside us.

fledg(e)ling - 'fleʤlɪŋ
a person, an organization or a system that is new and without experience
Example: Those fledgling forays come as it fends off social networking giant Facebook, which is challenging Google for online advertising dollars and for engineering talent, as well as iPhone maker Apple in the mobile market.


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