Tuesday 21 December 2010

Assange concerned over 'natural justice' in Sweden

tizzy - 'tɪzɪ
a state of nervous excitement or confusion
Example: The Wikileaks founder suggested the two women who have accused him of sexual assault had got into a "tizzy".

loophole - 'luːphəul
лазейка; увёртка
loophole (in sth) a mistake in the way a law, contract, etc. has been written which enables people to legally avoid doing sth that the law, contract, etc. had intended them to do.
Example: But he also said there were "other people making descriptions" that the women had deliberately abused a loophole in Swedish law, whereby if they went to the police for advice, they could not be charged with filing a false report.

Url: http://www.bbc.co.uk

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