Monday 27 December 2010

I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas (Tree)

So which is better: wood or plastic?

bauble - 'bɔːbl
побрякушка, безделушка
a piece of jewellery that is cheap and has little artistic value
Example: Christmas trees are certainly green under all those baubles, lights and tinsel.

tinsel - 'tɪn(t)s(ə)l
блёстки, мишура
strips of shiny material like metal, used as decorations, especially at Christmas
Example: Christmas trees are certainly green under all those baubles, lights and tinsel.

mulch - mʌlʧ
мульча (перегной, солома, защищающие почву от испарения, замерзания)
material, for example, decaying leaves, that you put around a plant to protect its base and its roots, to improve the quality of the soil or to stop weeds growing
Example: Real trees can be turned to mulch and when continuously grown and harvested sequester even more CO2 than a single tree living its full natural life in the wild.

dry out
to become or to allow sth to become dry, in a way that is not wanted
Example: They won't dry out in your living room and rather than spending an eternity in the local landfill, they can happily absorb planet-warming CO2 in your backyard.


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