Monday 31 January 2011

Egypt protests enter seventh day

peter out - 'piːtə
If something peters out, it gradually comes to an end.
Example: The army's tactics seem to be to let the demonstrations peter out rather than to stop them with force.

Старания альпинистов взять вершину пошли прахом.
The climbers' efforts to reach the top petered out.

From the American point of view, the best thing that could happen would be a peaceful end to the protests.

appeal - ə'piːl
призыв, обращение, воззвание (к кому-л.)
make a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request
Example: It won't be easy and it won't appeal greatly to the demonstrators, who have condemned Mr Mubarak's entire political structure and want to bring it down.

эмоциональный призыв
emotional appeal - ə'piːl

hold out
иметь, питать (надежду)
resist or survive in difficult circumstances
Example: So much of it depends on the demonstrators themselves: if they hold out - an easy transition to one of Mr Mubarak's associates will be much harder.

Сам Бенн и не надеялся победить.
Benn himself held out no hopes for victory.

looting - 'luːtɪŋ
steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot
Example: If, though, the shortages in the shops, the looting that has been going on and the general desire to get back to ordinary life bring a gradual end to the protest, then the system - if not the president himself - might survive in power.

Летний дворец императора был без всякого стеснения разграблен.
The summer palace of the Emperor has been unceremoniously looted.


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