Wednesday 26 January 2011

Egypt protests: Police disperse Cairo crowds

Egypt protests: Police disperse Cairo crowds

turnout - 'tɜːnaut
the number of people attending or taking part in an event, especially the number of people voting in an election
Example: Our correspondent said that it had been unclear how many people would respond to the online call, but in the end, the turnout was more than the organisers could have hoped.

coward - 'kauəd
трус, трусливый человек
a person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things
Example: Mubarak the coward

scrawl - skrɔːl
писать наспех; писать неразборчиво
write (something) in a hurried, careless way
Example: The crowds' anger was largely focused on the president, with thousands calling for his resignation and "Down with Mubarak" scrawled on the walls of buildings.

aspiration - ˌæsp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n
стремление; сильное желание (к достижению чего-л.)
a hope or ambition of achieving something
Example: The US White House said the Egyptian government had "an important opportunity to be responsive to the aspirations of the Egyptian people".

disillusioned - ˌdɪsɪ'luːʒ(ə)nd
разочаровавшийся, утративший веру / иллюзии
disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed
There are deep frustrations in Egyptian society, our Cairo correspondent says, yet Egyptians are almost as disillusioned with the opposition as they are with the government; even the Muslim Brotherhood seems rudderless.


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