Wednesday 22 September 2010

Nepal - part 1

a walk down memory lane
to think back or to remember
Example: That must have really been a walk down memory lane because you were in a lot of those pictures.

sticking out in my mind
here it means to be present in my mind or to remember more than any other one
Example: Y’know, there’s this one that’s sticking out in my mind where you have all this
paint on your face…

an assault on my senses
affect me or influence me at once (at one time)
Example: You know, when I arrived in Katmandu, it was just such an assault on my senses…in a, in a positive way, in a good way.

had a ball
to have a good time
to have a lot of fun
Example: …I had a ball when I was there.

feel so at home
make you feel comfortable or at ease
Example: I mean the people there just make you feel so at home.

bend over backwards
do almost anything for you; very helpful
Example: I mean they’ll bend over backwards to do whatever they can for you.

see your breath
to be able to see the air when breathing out because the outside temperature is so cold
Example: I mean, y’know, it was so early that, uh, it was still dark and you could see your breath as you were walking.

paying off
giving payment or money to
Example: Yeah. So, uh, y’know, after uh paying off the Maoists [laugh], we went down to, uh, eat breakfast at the guest house.

got a shot of (picture)
to take a picture or photograph of someone or something
Example: And I even got a shot of him and me together so…

Wednesday 15 September 2010

CultureShock - Australia

billabong - 'bɪləbɔŋ

mammal - 'mæm(ə)l
Example: the lower mammal — низшее млекопитающее

fraternity - frə'tɜːnətɪ
отношение родства между братьями
Example: to pledge a fraternity — вступить в общину

dice - daɪs
кости (игральные)
игра в кости
Example: to dice with death — играть со смертью

squint - skwɪnt
косоглазие, страбизм
Example: I was born with a squint. — У меня врождённое косоглазие.

atone - ə'təun
заглаживать, искупать (грех, вину)
Example: a human sacrifice to atone for the sin

Tuesday 14 September 2010

CultureShock - Australia

limestone - 'laɪmstəun
Example: to crush limestone — дробить известняк

deliberately- dɪ'lɪb(ə)rɪtlɪ
преднамеренно, умышленно, нарочно
Example: to be deliberately misleading the public — умышленно вводить общественность в заблуждение

arsonist - 'ɑːs(ə)nɪst

scarecrow - 'skɛəkrəu
пугало, чучело (на огороде)

platypus - 'plætɪpəs

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Unit 12 - 14

Done unit 12 - 14, (Love/hate/ with verd-ing, must and mustn't, Past tense was/were)

In average few mistakes.

Monday 6 September 2010


dawned on (me): to realize; to remember
Example: Hey, you know what dawned on me?

gone our separate ways: when people who were together leave one another
Example: The last time I saw you, you told, you mentioned something and, I didn’t even
realize it until we had already gone our separate ways.

not long after: a short amount of time
Example: Yeah, I lived in Chile, uh, for a year not long after college.

pretty much right after: right around the time of; close to the time of
Example: So, did you, pretty much right after you graduated, you just decided to travel, or…

get by: to do okay by using only what you have
Example: However I was able to get by.

hang out: to casually pass time
Example: It was a group of, uh, people who liked to, uh, um, hang out and play guitar and go dancing…

wing it: to do something without any planning
Example: And I just thought, I’m just gonna wing it, uh....

Friday 3 September 2010

Why don't black Americans swim?

переходить вброд
to walk with an effort through sth, especially water or mud
wade - weɪd
Example: When 15-year-old DeKendrix Warner accidentally stepped into deeper water while wading in the Red River in Shreveport, he panicked.

прохожий, проезжий.
a person who is going past sb/sth by chance, especially when sth unexpected happens
Example: DeKendrix was rescued by a passer-by.

looking severe and without any colour or decoration :
сильный, неистовый; строгий, суровый
stark - stɑːk
Example: A recent study sponsored by USA Swimming uncovered equally stark statistics.

представитель, делегат
spokesman - 'spəuksmən
Example: Olympic gold medallist Cullen Jones is a spokesman for swimming initiatives

бережно хранить; лелеять (чувства, воспоминания)
to make a law, right, etc. respected or official, especially by stating it in an important written document
enshrine - ɪn'ʃraɪn
Example: Unlike the UK, where learning to swim is enshrined in the national curriculum except in Scotland, the ultimate responsibility in the US often lies with parents.

most likely
весьма правдоподобно, наиболее правдоподобный

persuader - pə'sweɪdə
убеждающий, уговаривающий, мастер уговоров


Thursday 2 September 2010

Puzzles and crosswords delay dementia, study suggests

a serious mental disorder caused by brain disease or injury, that affects the ability to think, remember and behave normally
dementia - dɪ'men(t)ʃə
Example: People who do puzzles and crosswords may stave off dementia longer but experience a more rapid decline once the disease sets in, a study suggests.

stave off
предотвращать, предупреждать (беду и т.п.)
Example: People who do puzzles and crosswords may stave off dementia longer but experience a more rapid decline once the disease sets in, a study suggests.

атака, нападение, натиск
onset - 'ɔnset
Example: Could crosswords hold the key to delaying the onset of dementia?

impairment - om'pɛəmənt
ухудшение; повреждение, упадок
the state of having a physical or mental condition which means that part of your body or brain does not work correctly; a particular condition of this sort
Example: For each additional point those without a diagnosed cognitive impairment saw a 50% slower decline in their brain function, which was examined through a variety of tests.

deteriorate - dɪ'tɪərɪəreɪt
ухудшать; портить; повреждать
to become worse
Example: That the brain is allowed to deteriorate to a larger degree before symptoms like memory loss become apparent could explain why the condition seems to progress more quickly after diagnosis.
